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William WordsworthA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
“Tintern Abbey” is a complex meditation on the value of nature as a source of healing and philosophical wisdom, yet Wordsworth repeatedly questions the veracity and durability of this belief. The poem vacillates between overt affirmations of nature’s restorative, edifying power, and muted voicings of uncertainty as to whether nature will ever “betray / The heart that loved her” (125-126). While the poem celebrates nature’s role as a secular medium of salvation and suggests that the epiphanies it gives rise to can form the basis for his mature philosophy—one that approaches pantheism in the poem—Wordsworth remains troubled by the loss of the direct, unthinking pleasure he once enjoyed in nature, which he now recognizes as a source of renewal. Ultimately, Wordsworth turns toward his sister Dorothy for that renewal, finding mirrored in her “wild” eyes his former enthusiastic response to the picturesque and sublime scenery, a movement that betrays the underlying anxiety of the poem. The rhetorical strategy of “Tintern Abbey,” its shifts and countershifts as the poet seeks to reconcile himself with the process of aging, suggests that Wordsworth is not unqualifiedly certain that nature alone—or the philosophical mind—has fully compensated him for the loss of his youthful, unconscious exultation in Nature’s embrace.
In the second verse paragraph, the speaker associates natural beauty, particularly his memories of the Wye, with a state of elevated perception that transforms us into a “living soul” (47) and enables us to “see into the life of things” (50). After describing the psycho-physical process by which this transcendent state of aesthetic experience arises, the speaker momentarily voices a misgiving before reiterating how important the memory of the Wye river landscape has been to him, validating his moments of visionary insight: “If this / Be but a vain belief, yet oh! How oft […]” (51-52). Experiences of distress (“the fretful stir / Unprofitable, and the fever of the world” [54-55]) have revealed nature’s transformative, recuperative power for the soul, and the impressions aroused by revisiting the Wye activates those memories, enabling the speaker to reconstruct his former selves, finding continuity within discontinuity: “With many recognitions dim and faint, / And somewhat of a sad perplexity, / The picture of the mind revives again” (61-63). The revisited natural landscape is a touchstone in which healing, memory, beauty, and aesthetic converge, enabling the poet to retrace his own evolution from boyhood through youth to adulthood in the nurturing protection of a sacred location.
At several points in the poem, Wordsworth reaches beyond claims for the restorative, recreational effects of nature toward a statement of belief in a metaphysical presence suffusing the sublime objects of our sense perception. The central passage of the poem expresses a creed of faith in an immanent natural power, “[w]hose dwelling is the light of setting suns, / And the round ocean, and the living air, / And the blue sky, and in the mind of man: / A motion and a spirit, that impels / All thinking things, all objects of all thought, / And rolls through all things” (99-104). On the basis of his felt experience of this presence, disturbing and sublime at the same time, the speaker grounds his continuing love of nature, recognizing in it “and [in] the language of the sense, / The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse, / The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul / Of all my moral being” (110-113).
The passage also underscores the contribution of the mind in co-creating the world we perceive—“the mighty world / Of eye, and ear,—both what they half create, / And what perceive” (107-109). Nature, as perceived, is not static and objective; external appearances are receptive to the subjective consciousness of the perceiver, which selectively (and unconsciously) imposes form, mood, organization, and meaning upon the sensory tableau assembled by eye, ear, and the other senses. In later life, Wordsworth recounted that, as a boy, he was often at pains to distinguish the external world as existing outside of himself, a participation mystique in which the boundaries separating the self and nature dissolve.
Wordsworth’s faith in nature’s efficacious power, however, is challenged by the effects of time, the awareness of mortality, and the experience of human suffering. This is the great, fertile tension that generates “Tintern Abbey.” On the one hand, the beautiful forms of nature evoke aesthetic responses and emotional sensitivities that may influence moral character and induce a trance-like state of transcendence. Recalling memories of his first visit to the Wye landscape, the speaker notes, “I have owed to them / In hours of weariness, sensations sweet / Felt in the blood, and felt along the heart, / And passing even into my purer mind / With tranquil restoration” (27-31). Natural beauty composes the soul and soothes the distressed mind, while it invites a meditative contemplation that transforms ordinary consciousness, yielding heightened awareness and insight: “that serene and blessed mood / In which the affections gently lead us on / Until […] we are laid asleep / In body, and become a living soul: / While, with an eye made quiet by the power / Of harmony, and the deep power of joy, / We see into the life of things” (42-50).
This state of enlightened repose, however, depends on the refraction of external sensory impressions through the suitably organized, refined, and mature mind. As a youth, the speaker’s relationship with nature was hardly “serene”; rather, passionate and avaricious, with “no need of a remoter charm, / By thought supplied, or any interest / Unborrowed from the eye” (83-85). Its “aching joys” and “dizzy raptures” (86-87) were overwhelming in their visceral force, and the thrust of the poem’s argument is to claim that the loss of this ecstatic, bodily communion with nature has been abundantly recompensed by the speaker’s philosophical understanding of nature’s meaning for him. The paradox is that what he has lost in intensity of feeling has been replaced by the adult knowledge of its significance; as he has been “humanized” and diminished by suffering, he has realized the deeper moral and mystical import of his attachment to nature.
Wordsworth’s acquaintance with human suffering has irrevocably modulated his experience of the beauties of nature: “For I have learned / To look on nature, not as in the hour / Of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes / The still, sad music of humanity, / Not harsh, nor grating, though of ample power / To chasten and subdue” (90-95). Other lines in the poem speak explicitly of the “harsh” and “grating” effects of human life and society: “the din / Of towns and cities” (26-27), “evil tongues” and “the sneers of selfish men” (131-132), fever, darkness, loneliness, grief, fear, and pain. Such language suggests that the “still, sad music of humanity” is an aestheticized abstraction, an idealization of human suffering that the speaker feels compelled to minimize as he strives for a philosophical reconciliation with the loss of his youthful enthusiasm. The experience and knowledge of suffering must be “subdued”—defended against—to sustain his faith that “Nature never did betray / The heart that loved her” (125-126).
Remarkably, Wordsworth does not end the poem with his profession of faith in nature as “the guardian of my heart, and soul / Of all my moral being” (112-113), turning instead to his sister as a source of regeneration and comfort. Even if hard-won philosophical consolation proves fragile, his beloved sister stands as an avatar of his previous self, in which he can behold again what he once was. Dorothy channels Wordsworth’s youthful ardor and untroubled passion for nature; through her voice and “wild eyes” he seeks to relive vicariously the appetite and ecstasy he formerly enjoyed in its embrace. Her “wildness” reflects the “wild secluded scene” around them; assimilating Dorothy to Nature, Wordsworth embraces both with renewed devotion and confesses his “holier love,” imagining his sister will reenact his own evolution and recollect their visit with healing consolation amid times of distress after he has gone. In the poem’s much debated turn to Dorothy, nature worship, and the education of the self through nature, becomes a communal value that poet and sister, in their mutual love for each other and for the natural landscape, share as a consolation against mortality.
While at first glance, nature as a spiritual source of renewal appears to be the dominant theme of “Tintern Abbey,” the poem is fundamentally about the evolution of the speaker’s self through time, his construction of selfhood in the context of an increasing awareness of mortality. Wordsworth defines poetry in the Preface to the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity[.]” The definition foregrounds the essential roles of memory and time in his poetics and aptly elucidates the process of imaginative development in “Tintern Abbey.”
The poem’s opening lines demonstrate the theme of temporality through the repetition of the adjective “five” (years, summers, and winters) since the speaker last visited the landscape and the repetition of the adverb “again,” stressing the emotional significance of his reliving a past event glorified in memory. Linguistically, the theme is announced by the shifting verb tenses of the poem: The first four paragraphs are about the past and the present, turning toward the future in the concluding paragraph. The speaker discovers nature’s agency in fostering the mind and restoring the spirit through the passage of time and the reawakening of memory, which enables him to trace the development of his psyche from childhood through young manhood to the present.
Wordsworth marks three stages of his life in the poem: the young boy of “glad animal movements” and “coarser pleasures” (75-76), the 23-year-old visiting the Wye valley for the first time, and the 28-year-old speaker, who has since learned to look on nature while hearing “the still, sad music of humanity.” The disjunct between the younger Wordsworth and the poem’s speaker forms the crisis the poem tries to resolve through its idea of the compensatory imagination, which attempts to transform the loss of a more direct, ecstatic experience of nature into a philosophical gain. Drawn into a state of aesthetic contemplation and subsequent reflection in the first three paragraphs, the “picture of the mind revives again” (63) as the speaker looks back to his earlier self and confronts a troubling dislocation: “—I cannot paint / What then I was” (77-78).
The rupture between his historical and present selves is punctuated by the caesura and the balanced parallelism and concision of the sentence, breaking into two even halves. Nature to him then was “all in all”; bounding “like a roe” (69) over the mountains, he enjoyed unconscious communion with it, driven by an enthusiastic panic (in its original meaning, as “possessed by the nature god Pan”). The “aching joys” and “dizzy raptures” of that time, he notes, have passed, and, reflecting with “sad perplexity” (62) on the loss, “Tintern Abbey” becomes, in an important sense, an elegy to the speaker’s vanished self.
Rebounding from his nostalgic reverie, Wordsworth makes his boldest proclamation in the poem of faith in nature’s—and the imagination’s—enduring value. From his felt experience of “a sense sublime / Of something far more deeply interfused” (97-98), he has intuited a transcendent presence rolling through all of nature that disturbs him “with the joy / Of elevated thoughts” (96-97), a semi-mystical insight that grounds his continuing devotion to nature as the guardian and soul of his moral being. After negotiating the haunting vestiges of the irretrievable past and establishing his mature identity on an epiphanic appreciation of nature, the speaker turns toward the future. The poem moves from the indicative to optative mood, building from affirmation to hope that his reconstruction of identity will survive his own passing secured in his sister’s memory.
Recognizing his younger self in Dorothy’s innocence and excitement, the speaker projects her future as a recapitulation of his own maturation from “wild ecstasies” to “sober pleasure” (141-142). Linking their evolving identities in a shared “cheerful faith, that all which we behold / Is full of blessings” (136-137), Wordsworth imagines a future in which his sister’s mind is impregnated with “all lovely forms […] sweet sounds and harmonies” (143-145) so that she might memorialize his teaching, love, and dedication to his own rediscovered identity. Dorothy is made the repository of the poet’s optimistic faith, a receptive mirror of his triumph and object of his exhortation, embodying the continuity of self he struggles to preserve in the face of loss and mortality. The complicated effects of time, memory, and the struggle to bridge related but disparate identities suffuse the rhetorical structure of the poem as it transitions from present to past, past to present, and forward to the future. “Tintern Abbey” establishes Wordsworth’s mature poetic theme—and myth—of the creation of identity guided by memory and aided by the offices of benevolent nature.
By William Wordsworth