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Gregory of ToursA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Gregoy of Tours begins by stating that “many things keep happening, some of them good, some of them bad” (63). For example, there are heretics, kings going to war, and some people are good Christians and others do not have so much faith. No one is keeping track of these events, Gregory complains, because literature has almost disappeared in Gaul. Despite claiming that his writing style is “not very polished” (63), Gregory has decided to write History of the Franks in order to “keep alive the memory of those dead and gone, and to bring them to the notice of future generations” (63).
The History of the Franks begins with Gregory of Tours declaring his Catholic Christian faith. Specifically, he declares that he believes that Jesus was human when he was crucified and then rose from the dead; that there is a holy trinity which includes God the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost or Spirit; and that the world will end with the rise of the Antichrist. Specifically, Gregory rejects what he views as the heretical argument that the Son is a lesser entity than God the Father, which is proven by the fact that Jesus does not know the day the world will end (68-69).
Next, Gregory begins his history with the biblical account of Adam and Eve. Before he committed the first sin, Gregory argues the first human Adam was like Jesus in his purity. After they were expelled from paradise for their sin, Adam and Eve had two sons (these are Cain and Abel, although Gregory does not name them). One killed the other in an act of jealousy. After that, humans began to “commit one execrable crime after another” (70).
An exception was Enoch the Just, who was taken to Heaven by God. Disgusted with humanity’s sins, God flooded the world, which only spared Noah and the people on the ark Noah prepared. At this point, Gregory makes the point that God’s anger is not like a human’s and that “He is enraged so that He may reform us” (70). He compares Noah’s ark to the “mother Church” (70-71), which protects Christians from evil.
Modern humanity is descended from Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham’s first son, Chus, invented “idolatry” (71) and magic. He became the prophet Zoroaster (a real-life prophet who founded the religion of Zoroastrianism in Iran). When humanity tried building a large tower in a city called Babel, God caused humanity to spread throughout the Earth and speak many different languages. Gregory identifies Babel with Babylon, which he says was founded by Chus’s son Habron (71-72).
As for Shem, his descendant was Abraham, “who was the beginning of our faith” (72). Gregory states that Christ revealed himself and the truth about his eventual sacrifice to Abraham. One of Abraham’s descendants, Jacob, established the Israelite people and was the father of the 12 biblical patriarchs. Jacob’s son, Joseph, whom Gregory notes had visions like Jesus (74), led the Israelites to Egypt. After Joseph’s death, the Pharaoh of Egypt enslaved all the Israelites. They escaped from Egypt into the desert under the leadership of Moses. At Sinai, Moses had a vision of the Holy Spirit as a “column of fire” (76). After Moses’s time, Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan, the “Promised Land” (77).
After Joshua, Gregory writes that the Israelites became sinful, so God allowed them to fall under the dominion of other peoples. After the Israelites repented, God gave the Israelites a series of kings, beginning with Saul, David, and Solomon. After Solomon’s death, the 12 Israelite tribes split, with two tribes forming the kingdom of Judah, and the other 10 tribes creating the kingdom of Israel. Since they “later turned to idolatry” (78), God sent the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, to conquer the Israelites and force them to go to Babylon. The Jewish official Zerubbabel then freed the Israelites and brought them back to their capital city of Jerusalem. Gregory of Tours sees the captivity as a “symbol of the enslavement into which the soul of a sinner is led, and indeed such a soul will be carried off into fearful exile unless some Zerubbabel, that is Christ Himself, can rescue it” (79). However, Gregory writes that even then the Israelites went back to idolatry.
After giving a brief timeline establishing the number of generations between the Babylonian captivity of the Israelites and the birth of Christ (79), Gregory skips ahead to Julius Caesar, whom he describes as the first emperor of the Roman Empire. During the reign of Caesar’s nephew, Augustus, Gregory notes that the city of Lyons in Gaul was founded, and that the city would become famous for its Christian martyrs (81). Also, during this time, Jesus was born. Gregory blames Christ’s persecution on the Jewish community, whose “minds, which had fed on the blood of the prophets, now strove unjustly to destroy the Just” (81). Following Jesus’s crucifixion and death, Gregory describes that he rose from the dead. Gregory insists this happened on Sunday and not on a Saturday.
Gregory then proceeds to discuss how the apostles Peter, James, and Mark and the early Christian father Paul were martyred. Further Christians would be martyred on the order of the Roman emperors. Among these were Saint Iranaeus, whom Gregory credits with converting the city of Lyons to Christianity. Iranaeus was killed by the Romans along with 48 Christian martyrs (86). One of the most brutal persecutions was carried out by Emperor Diocletian, under whom “great multitudes of Christians were slaughtered because of their worship of the true God” (90).
The persecution ended with the reign of Constantine, who converted to Christianity. During his life, his mother Helena found a wooden piece of the cross Jesus was crucified on. Born during Constantine’s reign, the bishop of Tours, Saint Martin, preached in Gaul. In Gregory’s words, “Gaul became bright with new rays coming from its lamps” (91). Meanwhile the Emperor Valens forced monks to join the military. Since Valens was killed in a war, Gregory believes “God’s vengeance caught up with him in the end for the blood of the saintly men which he had shed” (92).
Back in Gaul, Urbicus became the bishop of Clermont-Ferrand. He was married to a woman, and both lived as chaste monastics. However, his wife desired him and shouted at him from outside the locked doors of the church. She became pregnant with a daughter who later became a nun. The bishop went to a monastery and atoned for his sin. Gregory also tells the story of Injuriosus, who came from a noble family in Clermont-Ferrand. He married a woman from another aristocratic family who convinced him to live with her in celibacy out of religious devotion. Their two tombs were found beside each other, even after they were separated.
Meanwhile, when Saint Martin died, the citizens of the cities of Tours and Poitiers thought over who could claim his body. The corpse was locked away while groups from both cities waited. Gregory credits God with causing the representatives of Poitiers to fall asleep, allowing the people of Tours to claim and take the body of Saint Martin to Tours.
A common type of history in the Middle Ages that lasted into the modern era was the "universal history," which incorporated both the biblical view of world history and the writer's own time. This is in contrast to the histories typically written in the ancient, pre-Christian Mediterranean world, which Gregory would have been familiar with, like Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War or Suetonius's Twelve Caesars. Those histories tended to focus on specific events, eras, or individuals.
Although Gregory's focus will be specifically on the history of the Franks and will illuminate The Interaction Between Christianity and Politics, Gregory is trying to model his work after early Christian writers like Eusebius or Jerome, who were themselves imitating the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament in Christian tradition) by presenting a history that begins with God creating the world. Such histories are written to highlight the way God intervenes in world history. Gregory states that he covers the story of the beginning of the world for "the sake of those who are losing hope as they see the end of the world coming nearer and nearer" (67). By this, Gregory means that he is reasserting for readers a providential view of history, which reflects the idea that God is actively guiding history toward the end of the world and the redemption of God's creation.
This is not to say that this is Gregory's only purpose in writing his history. As he himself writes, in what likely reveals his largest motive in writing History of the Franks, "I have written this work to keep alive the memory of those dead and gone, and to bring them to the notice of future generations" (63). Still, it is important to note that Gregory is following a specific and well-established model of Christian history that views the story of humanity and the world as a cosmic drama directed by God that begins with the first humans Adam and Eve, culminates in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and ends with the Apocalypse and God's judgment of humanity. At the same time, by focusing on the Franks and the events he himself experienced and participated in, Gregory is also drawing on the ancient Roman and Greek approach to history.
Gregory is conscious of the fact that he is living in an era that has seen a decline in learning, which is one major element in Daily Life in Early Medieval Europe. Since the decline and collapse of the western Roman Empire, literacy rates have declined and literacy and most learning has become restricted to the clergy, like Gregory himself. Gregory claims he has heard various people in his own life remark on the decline of learning: "In fact in the towns of Gaul the writing of literature has declined to the point where it has virtually disappeared altogether" (63). Whether or not he is attempting to be humble, Gregory devalues his own level of learning, claiming that his Latin is "not very polished" (63). Toward the end of History of the Franks, Gregory again says, "I know very well that my style in these books is lacking in polish" (603). However sincere Gregory's humility is or is not, he is still consciously participating in a tradition of historical writing older than Christianity itself.