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Joel BakanA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
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The “public sphere, which exists to greater and lesser degrees in all modern nations, is now under attack” (113). Many of government’s functions are being privatized, including “utilities, police, fire and emergency services, day care centers, welfare services […] prisons, airports, health care […] public parks, and highways” (113).
A case in point is Edison Schools, “the largest education management organization (EMO) in the United States, with 133 schools and 74,000 students” that it manages for local school districts. The EMO industry is growing, and in 2001 Edison backer Michael Moe estimates that “10 percent of the $800 billion education industry will be run by for-profit corporations in ten years’ time” (114). It’s unclear, though, that for-profit school managers perform better than their public counterparts. When Edison runs into financial difficulties, it cuts back sharply on services and even proposes that students perform unpaid labor.
Promotors believe the profit motive will improve services in education and elsewhere, but “privatization is flawed as a general and long-term solution to society’s problems” (117) because profit isn’t the only guide for people’s behavior and because “corporations are legally required always to put their own interests above everyone else’s” (118).
Corporations have invaded areas in people’s lives previously exempt from commercialism. Children are enticed by toys and sports logos available only when their parents buy products such as beer or automobiles; the promoters hope the kids will urge the parents to make those purchases. Marketers studying this Nag Factor have learned that kids “nag either with persistence or they nag with importance” (120)—that is, either with whining or impassioned eloquence. Success from either approach depends on the type of parent who listens; promoters pitch their wares to kids accordingly.
The fate of major corporations—McDonald’s, Chuck E. Cheese, theme parks—often depends on the success of the Nag Factor: “We saw the same thing with movies, with home video, with fast food. Children’s influence on what products the parents are buying is huge” (121). Children are highly suggestible, which “makes them such appealing targets. Within the psychopathic world of the corporation, vulnerability is an invitation to exploit, not a reason to protect” (122).
In 1981, the FCC lifts restrictions on TV ads aimed at children; today, kids are bombarded by an average of 30,000 carefully crafted commercials a year. The food industry joins this effort: “There are no limits on what marketers will do to get children to crave junk food” (123). This leads to “epidemic levels of childhood obesity and the recent steep rise in related health problems among children” (124). Marketers even find opportunities in childhood obesity, including “clothing for plus-sized girls,” while “the diet and drug industries also benefit” (124).
The toy industry’s corporate tie-ins—including products based on popular movies—“is causing a ‘diminishment of the imagination of the child’” because it can “turn children’s play into ‘a highly repetitive reproduction of the scripts’” from the films (126). Meanwhile, “schools have become platforms for corporate marketing” with advertising on school property, exclusive sales through school vending machines, school donations in exchange for product purchases, and free teaching materials laden with corporate symbols (127).
Channel One provides free audio-visual equipment to schools if they have their students watch a daily ten-minute news feed followed by two minutes of ads. Elsewhere, advertising is “inescapable […] wrapped around buses […] or at museums […] and sporting events” (129).
Public spaces are being commercialized:
Urban tunnels and skywalks, along with suburban malls, are places designed and used for public interaction but controlled by private owners, generally large corporations, which control what happens and who can be on their premises (131).
Free speech is more easily stymied on these private properties, as they are “comfortable for middle-class and upscale consumers but no one else” (131).
Gated communities are now “home to as many as 4 million people in the United States” (131). They rely on private services and exclude “unwanted persons” (132).
Undercover marketing uses deception to create the impression that a product is a hit. Paid actors chat among themselves enthusiastically in public about a new product, as if spontaneously discovering it; or boxes of a product are piled up in a crowded hallway, as if popular. Jonathan Ressler, CEO of Big Fat and inventor of undercover marketing, says the technique “is happening everywhere” and “by the time you go to bed you’ve probably received eight or nine different undercover messages” (132). The technique relies on deception, “yet it is perfectly acceptable within the corporation’s amoral universe” (134).
As corporations become more powerful, their attitudes begin to dominate society. In a corporate world, argues philosopher Mark Kingwell, “the ideal citizen is a kind of insanely rapacious consumer” with a “psychopathic version of self-interest” (135).
Chris Barrett and Luke McCabe want to afford college, so together they arrange financial support from a corporate bank, First USA, but “[i]n return for its sponsorship dollars, First USA asks Chris and Luke to promote the company’s credit cards to students on college campuses” (136). By doing this, “Chris believes that he and Luke have ‘contributed to the corporate takeover [of society] in a positive way’” (137).
Such a takeover may, however, prove dangerous, “[f]or in a world where anything or anyone can be owned, manipulated, and exploited for profit, everything and everyone will eventually be” (138).
In the mid-20th century, “governments in extant democracies expanded their domain over society and the economy” (139). By century’s end, though, deregulation and privatization reign, and “the corporation had become the world’s dominant institution” (139).
Many people feel unhappy with this turn of events: “Throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s, protesters continued to dog the architects of economic globalization wherever they met” (141). Former banker Ira Jackson, a department head at Harvard’s Kennedy School, warns “that business may be overplaying its hand. ‘We’ve won,’ he says of capitalism’s triumph over communism, but growing resentment toward the corporate system could snowball into ‘a potential backlash’” (141). Corporations haven’t kept their promise to the poor that “a rising tide lifts all boats” (142).
Jackson believes that increased government regulation won’t work; instead, “[t]he customer and the consumer and the employee are the kings and the queens of the new capitalism, and we have to start exercising our authority and opportunity responsibly” (143). Corporations are more socially responsible, he says, because “they understand the market requires them to be there, that there’s competitive advantage to be there” (143). Pfizer chief Hank McKinnell agrees: “‘If we’re going to win back public acceptance and trust,’ he says, ‘we have to be progressive’” (144).
Another pushback comes from corporate shareholders: “Because so many people now own company stock, usually through their pension plans, shareholders can serve as ‘a good proxy for the public good’” (144). Some business leaders propose that people’s purchasing and investment choices could act as a kind of “consumer democracy” and “shareholder democracy” that might “serve as effective public-interest constraints on corporate behavior” (144).
However, citizens each have one vote, while consumers and investors have widely varying amounts of dollars with which to influence companies, and “when we move that power over to the marketplace,” says Harvard’s Elaine Bernard, “the humblest and the wealthiest are totally asymmetrical” (146). What’s more, there is no evidence that people’s purchasing decisions are affected “by social and environmental concerns” (146). Meanwhile, half of Americans own no stock and thus possess no investment leverage over corporations, while the rest own too few shares to apply pressure, and their investment decisions “are likely to be driven by financial self-interest” (147). Finally, corporations “have no incentive to reveal their misdeeds to the public” (147), and shareholders must struggle to acquire such information; the results generally are “sporadic and insufficient” (148).
Deregulation can save tax money and increase business profits, but the costs “only reappear elsewhere” in the effects on victims of corporate malfeasance (150). “Regulations,” on the other hand, “are designed to force corporations to internalize—i.e., pay for—costs they would otherwise externalize onto society and the environment” (150).
Today’s regulatory systems are anemic. Corporations engage in “regulatory capture” to control regulators “through lobbying and selective information sharing” (152). On top of this, “regulatory laws often are reactive, rather than preventive, and too weak to stop corporations from causing serious harm” (152). Democracy itself is weak: Voter turnouts are poor, politicians are “unduly pressured and influenced by corporate money,” and “social inequality is rampant” (152).
Despite this, democratic processes remain important: “Now is the time to reinvigorate, not abandon, democratic institutions, and to craft them into truer reflections of the ideals upon which they were founded” (153). Furthermore, “the corporation depends entirely on government for its existence and is therefore always, at least in theory, within government’s control” (153). Corporations are chartered and delimited by governments, which have ultimate say over them, so “[i]t is therefore a mistake to believe that because corporations are now strong, the state has become weak” (154). Government power has instead shifted from promoting the interests of citizens to promoting those of the corporation.
Because of the harm corporations have the potential to do, “[t]he question of what to do about, and with, the corporation is one of the most pressing and difficult of our time” (158). At one end are proposals simply to increase restrictions on corporate behavior; such efforts, “though desirable, are unlikely to strengthen corporations’ accountability to society in significant ways” (159). At the other are proponents of getting rid of corporations altogether, but this is, “for now, too remote a possibility to plan for” (159). Can the corporation be reshaped so as not to resemble a psychopath? Public-purpose corporations already behave differently; one such corporation is the US Postal Service, whose mandate is “to bind the Nation together through the […] correspondence of the people” (160). A comprehensive system of public-purpose corporations is, however, likely only in the distant future.
In the meantime, government regulations should be stiffened, regulatory agency staffing increased to “realistic levels,” fines raised enough “to deter corporations from committing crimes,” and penalties for corporate officers harshened. These actions should be coupled with “suspending the charters of corporations that flagrantly and persistently violate the public interest” (161). Corporations should also be prohibited ahead of time from actions that “are reasonably likely to cause harm” (162).
In addition, local governments “should play greater roles in the regulatory system, as they are often more accessible to citizens” (162). Trade unions and “environmental, consumer, human rights, and other organizations that represent interests and constituencies affected by what corporations do” should have their authority strengthened (162). Lobbying ought to be scaled back, and elections “publicly financed” with “corporate political donations phased out” (162).
To protect citizens, “[s]ocial groups and interests judged to be important for the public good […] should be governed and protected by public regimes” (163). Finally, a campaign ought to be launched to “shift the ideologies and practices of international institutions, such as the WTO, IMF, and World Bank, away from market fundamentalism and its facilitation of deregulation and privatization” (164).
In Bolivia, the government authorizes a corporation to manage the water supply in a dry region. The corporation forbids locals from drawing water from their own wells; protests break out, including violent demonstrations; the government backs down and deprivatizes the water district. Today a nonprofit government corporation brings together “local officials and representation from unions and professional associations” to manage the water supply in a manner that is “not only transparent, but more just, more efficient, and encouraging of the people’s participation in the solution to their problems” (166).
The corporate ideal of citizens as consumers is too limited: “We also feel deep ties and commitments to one another […] We believe that some things are too vulnerable, precious, or important to exploit for profit” (167).
A major concern about corporations is that they tend to move into areas of culture and society where no one expects them, and few want them, to be. Instead of enjoying the silent grandeur of a natural wonder, people are bombarded with billboards and signs that promote the sponsoring corporation. At sporting events, stadium walls are crammed with commercials. In the public square, actors pretend to enthuse to one another about some new product. Web pages hound users with pop-up videos that promote the latest gadget.
To corporate marketers, quiet places—the beach, a deep forest, a cozy den at home—are empty spaces begging for commercials, if only the corporation can access them. It is, after all, the corporation’s job to make money for its stockholders, and they will do so by whatever method generates more money than it costs. What, then, prevents corporations from invading every corner of consumers’ lives, especially if penalties and fines are too small to deter them?
Corporations insist that the marketplace can police itself, but this strategy could have a limited effect. Activists suggest improved legislative oversight, but corporations have already co-opted their overseers through regulatory capture, and they’ll simply shrug at the thought of increased authority for a system they have largely bought and paid for.
Author Joel Bakan suggests ramping up oversight by state and local officials. Citizens have a more direct say in local governance than at the federal level and would therefore take a more active interest in the outcomes.
Another idea is to increase the power of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), mainly public-interest groups, to advise and perhaps oversee corporate behaviors in particular areas. Major ecological organizations might obtain veto power over corporate ventures in sensitive wildlands not already set aside by government, social welfare institutions could have seats on the boards of major corporate employers, and so forth.
To a small degree, these remedies already exist. A chief problem remains, however—that corporations have more than enough money to entice regulators and NGOs to ease up on strictures.
Bakan’s ultimate solution is to move away from the corporate systementirely, replacing it with what he terms “public-purpose corporations.” His chief example is the US Postal Service, whose mandate is not to make money but to enhance communication between the citizens. He believes this type of system is “preferable to for-profit corporations for delivering key public programs and services” (160), specifically, “transportation, utilities, broadcasting, and security and rescue services, to name a few” (160).
Without saying so explicitly, Bakan is suggesting that perhaps major corporations ought to be owned by the government and run under a mandate not to make money, but to serve society. He is not optimistic about such prospects in the near term: “Such a solution, even if desirable, is currently too utopian to be realistically proposed” (160). Instead, he suggests gradualism:
The challenge for now is to find ways to control the corporation—to subject it to democratic constraints and protect citizens from its dangerous tendencies—even while we hope and strive in the longer term for a more fully human and democratic economic order (161)
presumably of public-interest corporations managed by the government.
The purpose, then, of The Corporation is to set forth the dangers of unbridled corporate power on the assumption that, once alerted, citizens will demand a curtailment or, some day, an elimination of corporate freedoms.