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Aldous HuxleyA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
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While writing Brave New World, Huxley recalls, he assumed the totalitarian society he was predicting would become a reality far in the future. In 1931, at the nadir of the Great Depression, society suffered from chaos and a lack of order. Now, in 1958, Huxley believes that the dystopian nightmare of Brave New World is fast arriving. The problem now is the opposite one he predicted: too much order is in place, leaving no room for personal freedom.
Huxley contrasts Brave New World with George Orwell’s 1984, a futuristic novel written in the wake of World War II and during the tyranny of Soviet leader Josef Stalin. The world of 1984 is characterized by brutal government repression. In Brave New World, the tyranny comes in the quieter and seemingly benign form of state-enforced pleasure and conditioning. Huxley argues that, in light of recent events, his novel has turned out to be more prescient than Orwell’s. The Cold War has proved to be a mostly non-violent conflict, and the Soviet Union is abandoning repressive force in favor of “non-violent manipulation of the environment and the thoughts and feelings” of individuals (3). This new policy concentrates on systematically rewarding good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior, and this approach to positive reinforcement is a more effective method in the long run than punishment. Meanwhile, in many parts of the world, techniques are being developed for mind manipulation in the interests of the ruling class—techniques which Huxley will discuss in subsequent chapters.
All these sociopolitical changes are closely tied to overpopulation, which Huxley sees as the central problem of modern times and which could create a disaster in the near future. Thanks in part to improved medical practices and sanitation, births now far outnumber deaths. Overpopulation will soon place an enormous strain on the world’s resources, which will in turn cause an economic crisis and widespread social unrest. In such a situation, rulers of erstwhile democratic countries could claim dictatorial control. Huxley predicts that “twenty years from now, all the world’s over-populated and underdeveloped countries will be under some form of totalitarian rule—probably by the Communist party” (11).
In this chapter, Huxley addresses issues of genetics and breeding, which he depicted in Brave New World in the sinister form of state-sponsored eugenics.
Huxley laments the fact that in our “unregulated” way of procreating, we are not only overpopulating the planet but also ensuring that the population will be of “biologically poorer quality” (14). The decline in quality can be explained by improved sanitation and a more refined social conscience; thanks to these societal improvements, children with hereditary defects are likely to survive into adulthood. Over time, this pattern of survival will cause the genetic pool to be contaminated and the physical and/or mental health of the general population to deteriorate. Huxley acknowledges that this issue is fraught with ethical and moral problems. The complexity he acknowledges is especially true nowadays, when good means—e.g., improved medicine—sometimes give rise to bad results—e.g., overpopulation and overcrowding, leading to more health and social problems.
So far, Huxley has discussed overpopulation and biology as factors in the loss of freedom and quality of life; in the third chapter, he considers technological progress. While the growth of technology is admirable in many ways, advancement comes at a price. Modern technology leads to the concentration of power in the hands of an elite consisting of “Big Business” and “Big Government.” This problematic distribution of power weakens the freedom of individuals and diminishes their quality of life. In the political, economic, and social spheres, the justifiable desire for order becomes a justification to “reduce human diversity to subhuman uniformity” (22). The results of uniformity include totalitarian dictatorships and smoothly running factories where the workers function much like the machines they operate.
These societal changes are based on the mistaken assumption that human beings are social creatures like bees or ants and must therefore lead totally regimented lives. The idea that human beings exist to serve the “system” undermines individual freedom and autonomy; as a result, the collective becomes more important than the individual or the family. Society has already become over-organized and mechanistic, a trend explained by the growth of industry that draws people away from farms into big cities, where life is depersonalized, “anonymous and […] abstract” (23). In all these ways, modern society tends to destroy the mental, physical, and spiritual health of its members.
Huxley predicts that the dictatorships of the future will rely on social engineers to run society in a way that is outwardly painless, but in which the individual is subordinated to the collective and ends are subordinated to means.
This group of chapters serves as the foundation of the entire book and introduces its main themes. Huxley begins the book by addressing the issue of overpopulation because he sees overpopulation as the root problem of modern times, one that has ramifications in many different areas of life. Huxley details the statistics on the world population, which has been steadily rising over the centuries, to prove his point. 250 million people existed in the world around the time of Christ, and the number has burgeoned to two billion eight hundred million people in 1957.
While death rates have fallen, birth rates continue to climb, and Huxley advocates contraceptives as a form of birth control to solve this problem; he does acknowledge religious and social objections to birth control. To Huxley, overpopulation illustrates the irony of modern scientific progress; while improving the lives of countless people in the form of penicillin and other medicines, such progress comes at a price, namely, too many people for the planet to sustain. This crisis will hit underdeveloped countries especially hard because their political systems are unstable, and births in these countries tend to be numerous; the crisis will eventually hit developed countries like the United States too. Huxley calls overpopulation “the shortest and broadest road to the nightmare of Brave New World” (17).
Huxley’s concern about overpopulation feeds into another one of his major preoccupations in the book, the rise of totalitarian government and the loss of personal freedom. The social unrest that could result from overpopulation might provide a pretext for political tyranny; in Huxley’s words, “[u]nrest and insecurity lead to more control by central governments and an increase of their power” (11). Huxley predicts that this tyranny will take the form of communism as it exists in the Soviet Union. Totalitarian control could lead to the practice of state-sponsored eugenics, a technique that involves the manipulating the human gene pool to create “superior” human beings.
Along with overpopulation, over-organization is another problem that Huxley sees as central (see Themes). Over-organization is inherent in urban life, where industrialization has reduced human beings to job functions; thanks to industry norms, humans are cut off from normal ways of behaving and relating to one another.
In this section, Huxley frequently compares Brave New World with George Orwell’s 1984, another famous dystopian novel, written 18 years after Huxley’s. Huxley argues that his novel reflects subsequent political developments more accurately than Orwell’s and, thus, is more prescient. With its emphasis on violence and repression, 1984 reflects the experiences of World War II and its immediate aftermath. By contrast, Huxley’s book presents a world of “soft tyranny” more in tune with the Cold War. While the tyrants of 1984 maintain power by inflicting pain and punishment and sustaining an atmosphere of “constant war,” the leaders of Brave New World control their people through the means of enforced pleasure, with the aim of keeping people docile and indifferent to their fate.
While stating his personal views, Huxley acknowledges alternate viewpoints and stresses the importance of individual freedom and responsibility. For example, he acknowledges the possible social or moral objections to birth control, and he makes a highly-developed argument for the superiority of Brave New World over 1984. His careful attention to dissenting views reflects Huxley’s respect for a diversity of opinion and his opposition to state-enforced actions aimed at imposing uniformity on human life and thought.
By Aldous Huxley