
50 pages 1 hour read

W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne

Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2005

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Part 1Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1, Chapter 1 Summary: “Creating Blue Oceans”

Chapter 1 explains what blue oceans are and how they are created. It begins with Cirque du Soleil as an example of a successful case of blue ocean creation. The company broke out of a red ocean by expanding the existing boundaries of the declining circus industry. At a time where alternate sources of live entertainment were on the rise and animal rights activists decried the mistreatment of circus animals, Cirque du Soleil created a blue ocean by merging traditional circus acts with theater. Unlike the traditional business model pursued by circus groups such as the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, Cirque du Soleil’s model did not employ animals, did not fight to hire more renowned circus actors, and did not cater to children as their primary audience. By targeting adults, theatergoers, and corporate clients, they could sell tickets at a markup and keep their costs down while still capturing the traditional circus market. 

Red oceans are defined as industries whose boundaries and competitive rules are known and accepted. Companies caught in cutthroat competition in these spaces attempt to gather a greater share of the market by using traditional strategies, such as cost reduction, to outperform rivals. The dominant business strategy in the last 30 years has focused on how to survive in these red oceans.

Blue oceans, on the other hand, are defined as untapped market spaces whose boundaries are unknown but offer greater opportunity for profit growth. These spaces can be entirely new, or they can be made from expanding the boundaries of red oceans, as Cirque du Soleil did. The dominant focus on competing in red oceans in the past 30 years has resulted in a dearth of information on how to create and practice blue ocean strategies. Without the means to measure risk and templates to create practical frameworks, most businesses have opted to avoid tapping into these uncharted waters.

However, this single-minded focus on red oceans is ultimately detrimental to growth: History shows that the world and industries are constantly changing. Cars, the internet, and electricity, for example, although considered commonplace now, were industries that first sprung from blue oceans. There is no reason to believe, therefore, that the future will remain static. In other words, whereas red oceans encourage businesses to fight over a finite amount of space, blue oceans encourage the innovation and redefinition of the industry itself—a process that generates uncontested space and can be repeated ad infinitum.

Creating blue oceans is more relevant today than ever before because technological advancements have allowed businesses to create an unprecedented number of products and services, resulting in an excess of supply over demand. This is exacerbated by globalization, which intensifies competition without generating a proportional increase in demand. For example, as businesses fight for the greater share of the same market, they tend to utilize similar strategies to reduce costs, resulting in a lack of product differentiation between brands. Customers are therefore encouraged to purchase based on price rather than brand, further exacerbating competition.

W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne explain what businesses can do to break free from red oceans and what makes a successful blue ocean strategy. The common factor in all successful captures of blue oceans lies in the strategic move taken by the company. In other words, a good approach to strategy is the key to success, while the size, influence, and origin of the business, as well as the state of the industry it occupies, are largely irrelevant.

Successful blue ocean captures revolve around the concept of “value innovation,” defined as the capacity to generate a leap in value for customers using strategic innovation. It is unlike technology innovation because it does not focus on using cutting-edge technology for its futuristic appeal, which can often alienate customers due to the product’s steep pricing and unfamiliar functions. Value innovation is also different from market pioneering because it does not focus on timing for optimal market entry.

Value innovation allows businesses to bypass the “value-cost trade-off,” which in red oceans dictates that generating greater value for customers incurs a proportionally high cost. In blue oceans, however, innovating and product differentiation need not be costly, because the space is uncontested and demand increased. This was the case for the Cirque du Soleil: It did not rely on hiring increasingly renowned and expensive clowns to attract the same customers, but rather injected intellectual richness, music and dance, and profound storytelling into their shows. Their focus on multiple productions also encouraged clients to return more frequently, thereby increasing demand. In other words, their use of value innovation increased demand and redefined the industry without increasing cost.

Value innovation requires a company to properly balance its production cost, the price of the goods and services produced, and the utility they bring so that there is a leap in value for both their clients and themselves. Although no strategy is riskless, the authors conclude the chapter by reminding readers that businesses overestimate the risk in venturing outside red oceans.

Part 1, Chapter 2 Summary: “Analytical Tools and Frameworks”

This chapter introduces the four action principles and three application strategies for creating and executing successful blue ocean strategies and uses the US wine industry as an example to demonstrate how these strategies are applied in practice. 

Though the US figured in the late 1990s as the world’s third-largest consumer of wine, there was intense competition among wine makers. To gain a slightly greater market share, businesses invested in million-dollar marketing, bought out small companies to consolidate power, and searched to leverage distributors and shelf space. However, with a flat demand and so many producers, these businesses struggled to add value to their customers without incurring high costs. From the consumer’s point of view, then, these brands are hardly differentiated from one another.

To break out of this red ocean, wine companies needed to reorient their strategies “from competitors to alternatives, and from customers to noncustomers of the industry” (Chapters 2, 30). Instead of searching for incremental but ultimately stale solutions to existing problems, this fundamental shift in strategy allows businesses to bypass roadblocks in the industry while reconstructing buyer value around different parameters.

For example, the US wine industry has long fought over the same seven buyer values: price, use of enological terminology in wine communication, marketing, aging quality, vineyard prestige, taste complexity, and wine range. In attempting to one-up each other in these categories, they have become increasingly undifferentiated to the uninitiated customer, who cannot immediately appreciate taste complexity, does not understand vineyard prestige, and is unable to wisely choose between the hundreds of options on store shelves. Noncustomers are deterred from entering the wine market because companies doggedly pursuing competition along the same value range make the industry seem intimidating and pretentious for the outsider.

Casella Wines from Australia managed to bypass these problems by releasing [yellow tail], a wine that does not compete along these seven values. Instead, it grew the market by pulling noncustomers—such as beer and cocktail drinkers—into the wine market. It does so successfully by reducing cost spent on traditional industry values (such as taste complexity, aging quality, and the use of enological terminology) while creating three entirely new buyer values: ease of drinking, ease of selection, and fun factor. [yellow tail] made it possible for the noninitiated customer to find an affordable option that provides the pleasant fruity taste of wine while negating their need to select among a wide range of wines. [yellow tail] also forged a fun, adventurous, and bold nontraditional image modeled after Australian culture, further pulling in nontraditional customers daunted by the austere wine market. By appealing to a broader market instead of competing, Casella Wines managed to break into blue oceans without incurring high costs. This is how it became the fastest growing brand in Australian and US history, with annual sales reaching 4.5 million cases only three years after its creation.

To achieve value innovation as Casella Wines did, businesses must ask themselves the following four questions:

  1. Which existing factors that the industry takes for granted should be eliminated?
  2.  Which factors should be reduced well below the industry’s standard?
  3. Which factors should be raised well above the industry’s standard?
  4. Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered? (31).

These four questions ask businesses to consider values to eliminate, reduce, raise, and create. The first two questions help with cutting costs while the last two questions seek to create new demand and increase buyer value. Companies are urged to think about existing industry and buyer values and envision new ones. 

After laying out their strategy, companies must properly execute them by creating a product that is focused, divergent, and accompanied with a compelling tagline. A focused product provides a specific set of values for the buyer, thus avoiding incurring high costs in marketing. A divergent product allows it to stand apart from competitors, avoiding confusion for the average consumer. Finally, a compelling tagline rallies customers around the product’s core values, so that it does not fall into the trap of innovating for novelty’s sake, which can quickly wear off. In sum, when all four action frameworks are properly applied using these three strategies, their combined forces allow for value innovation without incurring high costs.

Part 1 Analysis

The first two chapters lay the theoretical foundation for blue ocean strategy. Their purpose is to familiarize readers with the differences between conventional red ocean strategies and the authors’ new and radical proposal. After defining the terms, the authors underline the limits of conventional marketing strategies, which only allow for either cost optimization or differentiation. This theory, which originates from Porter’s model, stipulates that companies engaged in fierce competition with each other can seek an advantage by either becoming niche players or by cutting down costs and lowering prices. If they do neither, they will over time become less distinguishable from their competitors and thus lose market share.

Value Innovation Is at the Core of Blue Ocean Strategy, and it challenges Porter’s model by observing that successful companies often pursue both differentiation and low costs. They succeed in doing so by shifting the company’s value curve to aspects beyond the traditional industry’s standard, thereby capturing new and uncontested markets. Value innovation is also characterized by low costs. While innovation is usually risky and requires large investments, the authors Kim & Mauborgne argue that a reassessment of value curves means not only creating new values but also cutting back on old ones that have become unnecessary. This practice of eliminating unnecessary values, reducing inefficient values, increasing useful values, and creating new desirable values is what the authors call the “Four Action Framework” in Chapter 2. In other words, with the right type of strategy, companies can cut back on nonessential costs and reinvest them in new directions to achieve innovation without incurring high costs.

This first part of Blue Ocean Strategy is also important for encouraging readers to see markets and industries as ever-evolving. Products and services taken for granted today, such as electricity or fast-food restaurants, did not always exist. Their prominence today entails that they were the result of blue ocean spaces that have been widely adopted since. In other words, while there were no terms to describe blue ocean spaces previously, uncontested market spaces do exist independent of this study and companies have succeeded in breaking through to them, even if they did so without the intention of creating blue oceans. Thus, companies who see their profit margins shrinking should consider breaking off radically from conventional economic wisdoms, since it is possible to pursue both differentiation and low costs at the same time.

A shift in market strategy is essential in today’s globalized world, because competition is on the rise, but demand is not. In other words, red oceans abound, often quickly reaching a saturation point that prevents companies from making significant profits. To break this cycle, businesses must therefore look beyond traditional market theories and think outside the box. Blue ocean strategy asks businesses not to solve the problem of competition, but to completely redefine it by looking beyond competing and finding uncontested market spaces to inhabit.

The analytical tools and frameworks established in this first section of the book are the axiom to the analysis and executive strategies discussed in subsequent chapters. Value innovation forms the theoretical bedrock of blue ocean strategy, a theme further explored at the end of this summary. These frameworks are important to grasp for better understanding the content of subsequent chapters.

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